
Sunday, March 27, 2011


4.38am. sperti hari2 biase. tidur malam ak terganggu.
pada kala ak xtidur, baru la ak bole bukak kedai kopi ni.
usai menemankan kawan bek ku EMON aka scrumhalf msia wat keje lexicograpgy beliau.
ak terus balik bilik. main google translate jap.*best ok*
hadaf ak main google translate? <-- sbab nk dga org2 antrabangse ckp bhs dyorg la.
kn nk g stdy oversea xdapat.

bckp mngenai oversea ni.
best ke eh stdy kt oversea?
some says best.
some says not so best la.
n some other says btween best or xbest.

from my sincere opinion, best ag stdy kt msia.
kn3? sape stuju, angkat siku.tutup ktiak. ^_^ *malu*
haha. ye la, hujan emas di negara org, hujan batu ti tempat sendiri.
atau org kate dimana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung.
kn? so i'm proud to be Malaysian.

n skang ni, sume tgah pulun nk final.
yup iium skang ni dah final sem pnye exam. awal kn?
kpd kawan2 yg nk exam.
gud luck n all the best yaa.
stdy smart, stdy hard, stdy last minit.
sume xde hal. buleh blakeee.
i'll pray for u all success in whateva u do.
waah baik plak mud ak malam ni.wahaha.

yup. org sibuk stdy. ak sibuk blogg sibuk social netwrking blablabla.
haha.ok.ak stop sini dulu.
thanks sbab bace entri xberapa nk bfaedah ni.
tp yg baik tu jadikan teladan. xbaek jadikan sempadan ye kawan2.

kurang kan kntroversi. tingkatkn prestasi.
assalamualaikum. peace no war. layannn~


siti saleha. cantik kn?

Friday, March 25, 2011


4.00am. mate xngantuk. hati berdebar.
prologue. permulaan. mukaddimah.introduction.

dah bminggu xbukak kdai.
bukan malas, tapi internet selow. berodband. besela.huh alasan!

but within these weeks.
sumthing happened.
not just a thing. but it is a thingS. with S. not U s-hole.
things happened till i found these.

i found
bile kite ditinggalkan seseorang yg kite syg.
tu sbenarnye "signal" dr yg lebih Maha Mengetahui.
mmg kite ni degil nk jgak yg kite nk tu.
tp Dia lebih tahu.

اللهمّ أجُرني من هذه مصيبةٍ ، واجعلنِي خيراً منها

n i found
pikir diri sendiri DULU n family then baru pikir org lain.
BUKAN susahkan org lain dari susahkn diri sendiri. no, no, no ok.!

dn sile balik rumah ye bile ujung2 minggu yg free.!

tp lepas ni dah xfree kot weekend.
baru dapat mandat jadi exco sukan dan kebudayaan BEDSA.

tu la prologue. mukaddimah. introduction.
as an exco BEDSA.<----blagak baru dapat jawatan.

haha.till then! pen off n lite off. sok nk pi UKM n BALIKKK rumah.
missing nuha amen yani kakak pa'aron abas mak iwan ilan paies.
see u guys soon!


tempat di mana sy belajar

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

talking to the moon

528am. i'm seat by mself n

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back
t night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

tough week
dgn perut lapa n penuh penghrapan
dy pergi bersama yg lain
wat to do?

sit alone n talking to the moon.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

it' been a while.


lama dah x update. bz ngn pelbagai aktiviti kt sini.
tym2 tluang ade je. nk update bole je. tp bese la.
blog kn? kalo bace org punye. best je. bile tang sendiri nk update. xdak idea.
haha. cm skang ni. xdak idea la ni.

ak xd la rajin mane nk update. sbab xde story or information pon.
info tu ade. tp kalo ditulis, nt kate ciplak pule. what the what kn? <-- pnjm dari satu blog.

lpas tu. banyak lagi mende ak xtau pasal blog ni. haha.
ye la. follower pon belas2 je. btw, thanks sbab ado yg sudi jadi follower den.
cukup 5 taon jadi follower den nati, den blanjo makan. promise ok! hahaha

po nk cito?ok la. kito kongsi sket info yeh. info yg ado dalam kpalo den skang ni la.
tjuk eh. .... jgn memaen dgn agame. ok?

situasi dy gini. ad student tu pi tanye kt lecturer dy.
" what are the differences between ALLAH n SYAITAN?"
CEPAT CAKAP : na'uzubillahi min zalik.
lpas tu, sambung cite. lecturer tu jawab.
"there's no different. they are the same"
CEPAT CAKAP LAGI : na'uzubillahi min zalik.
rational lecturer tu jawab gitu.
" apepunye bodo la soklan ko tanye"
SILE CAKAP : na'uzubillahi min zalik.

see, nampak x point dy?student tu xtau. tp soklan dy xpatot.
n lecturer dy as an educated person. supposely not to answer the quest mcm tu dgn care macm tu.
xpasal je dapat dose.bukan ke nabi ajar kite bda'wah dgn hikmah?

so, ksimpulan dy. jgn wat cm tu.
joke with the religion is one of the riddah.
ko tau ap riddah? riddah=murtad.
kalo ade kite terbuat. cepat2 la kite bertaubat ye. istighfar.

tu je la hot stori kt kopihouz ari ni. stelah skian lama x bukak.
insyaAllah. tokey akn rajin2 bukak lpas ni.
kalo stori utk korg ye.
n kalo u ol ade hot stori gak.
cecite2 kt shoutbox ak kt bawah ni. hee.

ok gang? yg baik kite wat sbg teladan.
yg xbaek jadikan sempadan.
tingkatkn prestasi kurangkn kontroversi.