
Friday, December 13, 2013


Assalamualaikum semua..

Hye bertemu kembali dlm ruangan kopihouz. Haha. Apa kaba semua? Lama dah x jenguk2 blog gua ni. Harap smua ok stay cool cun hensem dn sihat lah hendaknye..

So, update kali ni terupdate laa pasal ayahanda suh update blog. Kehkehkeh.. yee. Ayahanda kesayangan bace blog gua. Omg. So after dis kne behave sket la ye dok?

So, sjak khilangan tokei kopihouz ni, sbona eh sibukk haa. Abih praktikal magheng truih kojo kek af gourmet satu kompeni mlayu. Kojo duo bulan yoo. Dah dapek offer pi uk sambung master.

Yaa. Sey skrg do kek uk haa. To be specific kek leeds. Bukn kek london yo. London tu south.. leeds kek north.. kiro darjah ksojukkan eh botambah lah..

Haa. Cito ehh skang ni sey br abih sem 1. Kiro cm dah medeka sparuh hati laa. Tinggal lagi 1 sem pnjang plus final plus dissertation.. so sepanjang2 maso sebelum poie uk,da sampai uk, sampai la skrg ni. Xdo po sgt laa..yg penting sey sehat yo la alhamdulillah..

Eh xghoti la nk sharing2 ni.. cm janggal plak ghaso eh. Beso sharing dgn purnamo yoo.. eh.. tolopeh plak.. haaahaha.xpolah. apo purnamo2 ni plak. Ish3. Xpolah tu sey cito lain nnt yo?

Just nk update before nk abih taun 2013 ni kan? So. Xpolah.. cito2 len nnt sey sambung kmudian2 yo? Ni kiro cm comeback kali kebrapo pun xtau lah. Haha.

Ok guys? See you lat er*yorkshireaccent*..

German market, Leeds

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Salamun salam lakum...

Hey people! How are u guys? Hope everythings are good and going well..

Just a quick update after been a while did not updating this blog. A bunches of reason lead me to not keep updating in here. To be truth, laziness la punce dy. haha. Ok, such a lame introduction.

Lets go straight to what i want to update. What huh? Well, Malaysia just formed a new tenure of government. Guess what, yeah... They still governing this lovely country of Malaysia. After all. Lot of issues and scandals had been issued. And at this moment, people try to fight and prove the fraud election. My POV? I am supporting the truth. And yeas, it was clearly, fraud election happened. Guess what, they still won. Then? Scandals and issues been brought out by the fighters! Well, i with them. Ok, ulang balik.. N now, issue and issue become hotter and hotter. Now! Racism.i am clearly disagree with this. O Allah, please save Malaysia!

Ok then, today i did speaking test for IELTS. U know, it is required when i was conditionally offered to further master in UK. I was hoping to pass with flying colors. Hopefully everything going well and i may further my master in UK. As for now,i am finishing my last 4weeks doing teaching practice here in taman melawati. I have another last observation with dr arifin. Plis people, pray for me.*cross finger*

ok thats all yeah!  Till then,

Xoxo.. Poyo!
