
Thursday, March 8, 2012

March oredi maaa!!!

Salam buat semua pembace setia. *ade ke?*
Sangat sarkastik kalao ade pembace. Sbb mmg xkn ade yg bace la.... Xkn punye.. Kalo ade, terimakasih sudi membae. Wahaha..

What to say? Yess, it is already march. I mean near to the middle of march. I say the MIDDLE of the MARCH. Whatt??? How extremely fast the time flies kann? Oshh. Sungguh xterase. N what i've done to that much time for the nation? For the deen? For the self? Idk. Nothing just sleep. Pleasure. Find love. Find food. Find money? *sigh*

so peoples, cerita di atas adelah rekaan semate mate hanye utk mnyedarkan kite bahawa mase tidak menunggu kite. Jadi. Kejarlah mase. Kerana, cinta tidak mengenal usia. Whattt?.??. Eh suke ati aku la blog aku. Kpd anak anak yg bace, ayah saje nk mlawak. Nt kau paham laa. Kau xpaham, pegi tanye mak kau. Sape mak kau? Tulaaaa. Kalau kau bace laa. Hahaha. Aku pun xtau sape mak kau?

Dah dah. Ape kau mengarut. Jgn bace bab bab ngarut tu. nati sambung cite len. Yg lebih berfaedah. Cume aku mcm xpecaye je, ak da sampai bulan mac pertengahan... Cepat betullll. -.-'

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